Your Journey Continues Like The Ocean

Your Journey Continues Like The Ocean

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Be Anxious For Nothing...

In the African American community it's a stigma to admit that you have any kind of mental illness. You're labeled as "crazy". Although many people deal with fear, anxiety & depression, it's swept under the rug or it's the elephant in the room that no one wants to address, so we tip toe around it. God forbid you're diagnosed with something more serious, you're really considered crazy & people tend to shy away from you.

So what do you do? You disassociate yourself from others for fear or judgement, for fear of being a burden to them, for fear of them just not understanding how you feel on the inside. You deny that there's anything wrong & attribute it to just being overwhelmed. You feel like no one can understand the way you feel on the inside, so you keep up your facade on the outside. All along, you engage in self destructive behavior, whether it be addition, promiscuity or spending money you don't have.

The cliche is admitting that there's a problem, well can admit that but what next? Do you try to handle it or do you seek professional help? Seeking professional help means you REALLY have a problem & if others find out they'll look at you differently. Dealing on your own leads you to crash because this weight is not meant for you to carry, it's meant for God to carry. It's prideful to think that you can and or should carry your own burdens alone, give them to God He wants them, He wants to give you peace about any situation you may be experiencing.  

Matthew 11:28-30 says: 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.30 For my yoke is easy and my burden.

When I first started this blog I stated that I would be as honest and transparent as I could.  I'm not normally a transparent person.  I tend to keep things to myself and deal with them the best that I know how and that is an unhealthy way of coping with things.  I know what God has called me to do and honesty, until yesterday I did not think that what I said mattered to anyone, it was more of an outlet for me.  It's easy or the encourager to encourage and motivate others, hard to be encouraged and motivated yourself.  

The key to finding your true self is to a face your inner demons head on and give those burdens to God,  He never intended for you to walk this journey alone.  Don't disassociate your self from your friends, God has placed them there to help you along your journey and they may have a different perspective on things.  Most importantly, don't be so hard on yourself! 

Life is going to give you so many trials and whether they make or break you is up to you, don't be broken.  Use these trials as a learning experiences. Use these as part of your testimony.  God won't ask something of you that He has not already put in you. 

Honestly, this was one of the most difficult blogs I have ever written, but I pray that my story and my experiences encourage someone else, and maybe one of you can encourage me!   

The story about Peter getting off of the boat really resonated with me, when he got off of the boat, he first had to have he had to leave behind the worry, fear  and anxiety.  We have to do the same thing, had Peter carried those things with him he would have sank! When you make the decision to have faith in what God is going to do in your life, you must leave the fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, ect. whatever burden you may be carrying has to be left!

1 Peter 5:7 says : Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

I pray that whatever you may be going through you find strength and encouragement in the promises our Lord has given us! Understand that you have to go through these trials and tribulations because it builds character and you come out of the storm a better person! 

I love you all! Happy New Year!!


  1. Thank you for opening up my Teeter Totter thank you for sharing. Allow your story to be your stepping stone as you blossom into the beautiful women you are meant to be. I'm so proud of you.
